How do we contact the educators in Iowa?
- We could email them, but we would need all of their email addresses.
- We could send them post cards, but that is costly.
- We could text them, but we would have to know their phone numbers.
- We could tweet them, but then we they would all have to be following our twitter persona (i.e., @zeitz)
They would hear our short but important messages if they were following Iowa-Specific Twitter Hashtags.
It's easy, it's quick and it segments specific sectors of people . . . It's PERFECT!!!
The other day I was trying to find Iowa Education specific hashtags when I realized that I didn't have to do this alone. There are thousands of Twitter-using educators in Iowa who could help me.
I created a Google Doc (editable by anyone with the link), Iowa Education Hashtags. I then created a tweet asking colleagues to help me create this collection of hashtags. I tweeted it a couple of times and the content began to grow.
Presently, the list looks like the one that is below, but it is growing. Please visit it, Iowa Education Hashtags, and add any that Iowa-specific Education Hashtags that you might know. Please include your name and the URL of a website that might be linked to the hashtag.
Here is a snapshot of the Hashtags on the Iowa Education Hashtags site. Take a look to see what the updated list includes:
Similar Job Types
#IowaTL - Iowa Association of School Librarians ( - Iowa Communities of Practice on Blended Learning
#Iowa1to1 - 1:1 in Iowa
#iaedldr - Iowa Administrators
#ialegis - Iowa Legislature - @jasonellingson
Iowa Specific Topics
#IAEDFuture - Future Plans describing ideas after the Iowa Education Summit#iowacore - Iowa Core Standards
#iowaaiw - Authentic Intellectual Work - @jasonellingson
#iacomped - Iowa Competency-Based Education - @jasonellingson
#iaedreform - Iowa Ed Reform - @jasonellingson
#NoBullyIA - used before/after the bullying summit - @jasonellingson
#SBAC - SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium - @jasonellingson
#iastem - Iowa’s STEM initiative - @jasonellingson
#iowa1to1 - 1:1 schools in Iowa
#iowatl - Iowa teacher-librarians - i.e. @scsdmedia
AEA Hashtags
#gpaea - Great Prairie AEA - @sethdenney#gwaea - Grant Wood AEA - @sethdenney
#plaea - Prairie Lakes AEA - @jasonellingson
#nwaea - NW AEA
#aeatech - Iowa AEA instructional technology consultants - @sethdenney
Specific Schools/Districts
#BCLUW - BCLUW school district#VanMeter - Van Meter School District
#2020HowardWinn - Howard Winneshiek School District
#Westmonona - West Monona school district -@techytweecher
#soloncsd - Solon Community Schools
#newellfonda--Newell-Fonda School District
Iowa Technology Organizations
#itec - Iowa Technology and Education Connection - @sethdenney ( Here is a GREAT schedule of Education TweetChats across the country.
It is created by CyberMan. He is an AMAZING educators who has catalogued everything.
Can you add any hashtags?
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