
Showing posts with label AECT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AECT. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2012

How Do YOU Teach About the AECT Domains/Standards?

Instructional Technology Educators,

Our Instructional Technology masters program at the University of Northern Iowa is aligned with the ECIT/AECT Standards/Domains. Consequently, learning about these domains is an integral part of one of our initial courses in the program.

We are interested in how you introduce these domains and what you do to make them meaningful to your students. Certainly, your students can read the Januszewski and Molenda book, but do you have videos or activities that you use when you teach the domains.

What do you do?  We would appreciate it if you could share your teaching techniques and tools. I promise to organize and share your responses.

Thank you,

Leigh Zeitz

Leave your ideas in the Comments section below.