I started this blog six years ago so that I could share my thoughts about things that I thought should be shared. Most of this deals with educational technology but I want to share something about another passion of mine - biking.
As you may know, I love biking. Every year I ride RAGBRAI with Team Flamingo. It's an opportunity where I get together with 12,000 of my closest friends and we ride 500 miles across Iowa during the last full week of July. We call this fun.
This is my 10th year doing this.
The best part is the training rides that we make with our wonderful Team Flamingo members during the 3 months before the ride.
The other day I broke my mirror while putting my bike in the back of my truck. It costs $20 to replace so I went to a nearby auto parts shop and purchased a $3 convex stick-on mirror. What a find!!
I just love this. It shows so much more and you have a much larger field of vision. It's made of plastic or metal so I don't have to worry about breaking it again. Even if I do, did I mention that it's only $3?
Sure, I know that this is a lame topic for a post but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to "Reflect on Reflectors." BTW if you look closely in the photo above you can see the photo of my grandson, Tyler, on my phone. =-)
Blog this. Facebook that. Twitter your latest thoughts and activities . . .
Do you realize how addicted you are to your social network connections? I didn't until I had the opportunity to sever these connections for a few days.
Mid-June, I had a chance to spend 4 days mountain biking in Utah. This was no small endeavor. It involved riding about 70 miles at 8,000 - 10,000 feet elevation. May not sound like a big thing for my readers in Denver or Santa Fe. Although I ride my bike across Iowa each year along with 15,000 of my best friends (See RAGBRAI and Team Flamingo), Iowa's average elevation is only 1,100 feet. This was my first attempt at mountain biking and I found its demands to be much different than for RAGBRAI.
This adventure was physically challenging but it was culturally challenging as well. I made the conscious decision not to take my laptop on this trip. No work time on the plane (I actually read a book for pleasure on my trip.)
AND believe it or not, I intentionally left my phone in our car.
This may not sound like a big move for most of you, but these were the first 4 days, in recent (and not so recent) history that I was disconnected from the net. I had an MP3 player with me, but I put it away deep into my backpack so that I wouldn't be tempted.
I loved it. It was a feeling of emancipation. I wasn't connected to anyone but the 15 people of my group. It was all about riding our bikes and enjoying the woods. I was riding with my great friend, Jay Foster, and one of his friends, Larry. There were 3 guides and 9 other guys who were out to "beat the mountain."
I don't know what to tell you, but look at the 169 unread messages that you have in your email this morning. Consider the on-going stream of Tweets, IMs and phone calls you have to deal with daily and consider "Tossing It" for a few days. The world will still be there when you come back and you will be all the better for it.
P.S. I might note that I read Dan Brown's 700-page, Deception Point, on this trip as well. I had to spend some of the time in my tent while it was raining and having a great book was a good thing.