Looking for tips on engaging your students using Google Apps?
ITEC has found the need and we are filling that need - - - - - - AGAIN!!!
We are presenting workshops throughout Iowa to support educators in integrating these new technologies into their teaching.
Here is the calendar of events:
iPads in the Classroom Training (8:30 - 3:30)
This is a HANDS-ON workshop where you will be introduced to the basics of using iPads in the classroom. Programs will be suggested for you to download before the workshop and we will review using them during our session.
March 24 Cedar Falls @ UNI
March 31 Sioux City
April 14 Cedar Rapids
April 14 Algona
April 21 Decorah
April 28 Nevada
Google Apps in the Classroom Training (8:30 - 3:30)
Another HANDS-ON workshop where you will use and innovate using the Google Apps suite.
March 31 Nevada
Cost: ITEC Members $125 Non Members $150 (includes Membership)
Lunch will be provides.
Questions about the workshops?
Contact Andy Crozier (acrozier@gmail.com) or Stacy Behmer (sbehmer@gwaea.org)
Questions regarding payment?
Contact Jeff Sypersma (jsypersma@nwaea.org)
If you have any other questions or comments, leave a comment below. Have you attended one of the ITEC workshops in the past? What did you think?