I had a WONDERFUL TIME at ISTE 2016. This was my 25th ISTE/NECC and they just keep getting better.
Learned a great deal. Made incredible connections. Assumed the presidency of the ISTE Global Collaboration PLN from Julie Lindsay - Thanks Julie. Had GREAT food. Met a bunch of dedicated and visionary educators. Made new friends and contacts.
I will be writing about this over the next week or so. There is much to share but right now I am in prepration for Fall Semester at UNI and getting ready to ride my bike across Iowa in our annual RAGBRAI ride.
Until that time, I would like to share wonderful Infographic about the attendance of ISTE 2016 "By The Numbers."
Take a look at the photo of the crowd. Recognize anyone? Yes, that is me sitting in the front of the row with the blue shirt. Must have been a slow day at the office . . .Well, anywho, I look forward to sharing what I learned and learning what you did as well.